Sometimes we will be in misconception that disc problem is the main cause of back pain.
Only Disc problem, really? well it's a noo...... 

Let me give you my little experience about low back pain

Patient : Doc, my back hurts alot from past 2 days...... i don't know how i got that pain  when i am still 22 years old

Doc: 22 years old? why a boy/girl with an age of 22 years should not get low back pain?

Patient : Well, i heard that back pain is commonly because of either disc bulge or spondylosis, which only happens at old age.

Doc: No, you are wrong. Low back pain has huge variety of factors which causes pain. Some are about Disc, vertebrae, nerves, and it can be only muscles causing your pain.
Tell me what u did from past few days. Your activity, work, habit etc?

Patient : nothing much doctor, last sunday i got up early in the morning, finished up my breakfast and did my project assignment bla bla..... and ya i did a friendly tournament match in dead lifting with my friends, then returned back home and slept with tiredness in an awkward position.

Doc : Well. the cause is clear.

Patient : what doctor? the position while sleeping?

Doc : No, the deadlifting competition with your friends have caused your muscles into stress and trigger points may have been formed.

Patient : Trigger point? soo trigger points in the muscles is giving more pain at my low back?

Doc : may be ....! Let me find out is there any trigger points causing the pain.

Patient : Sure

Doc: Yes, u have major trigger points in and around your back muscles
