Eighty percent of adults will experience significant low back pain sometime during their lifetime. Low back pain usually involves muscle spasm of the supportive muscles along the spine. Also, pain, numbness and tingling in the buttocks or lower extremity can be related to the back. 


1. REST:

Rest from aggravating activity. 

  • Avoid prolonged sitting
  • driving
  • bending
  • heavy lifting
  • twisting

2. ICE:

Ice applied to the low back for 15 minutes every 1 – 2 hours is helpful in reducing pain and spasm. Avoid using heat for the first 48 hours of an acute injury. 


 Gentle exercise for mobility and stretching (especially the muscles of the legs and back) can help decrease the severity, duration and recurrence of low back pain.


  • Modifying your sleeping position can help ease strain to your low back. 
  • Make sure your bed is firm enough to give you adequate support, and use a small pillow for you head. 
  • If you sleep on your back, try putting a pillow under your knees. 
  • Or if you prefer to sleep side lying, put a pillow between your thighs and if you are side bent, a folded towel under your waistline. 

                            THE GENTLE EXERCISES                         


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If you are facing problem with Disc Bulging, the first thing you should try is decompression which relieves the pressure on the disc and can be achieved by hanging.

  •  Use a bar or the top of a door (or anything you can hang from) and allow your body to “just hang”.
    – Hang for 30 seconds and do 3 sets.
    – Release very slowly from this so as not to cause any spasms.
    ** This should not cause any pain. If you feel pain it is not a good one for you, and if you are obese (over weight) and cannot do this exercise. In that case, stop and try some of the other exercises below instead.



    Begin this exercise by standing up with good posture. 
    Now take both hands and place them on both sides of your lower back. 
    Now with the help of your hands push your pelvis (Hip) forward and extend (bend) your spine back. 
    Follow the extension with your neck so that you end up facing the ceiling.
    – Start with 10 repetitions and do 2-3 sets.
    – This one is particularly great to do when you need a break from sitting at your desk.
    Image result for standing extension



    • Pull knee in to chest until a comfortable stretch is felt in hip and lower back. 
    • Hold 15 seconds. 
    • Repeat with opposite leg. 
    • Repeat 5-10 times each leg.
      Image result for single leg pull stretch


    Slowly rock knees from side to side in a pain free range of motion. Allow back to rotate slightly. Repeat 10-15 times.
    Image result for lumbar rotation stretch



    • Keep one leg bended on lying and opposite leg straight
    • Pull the bended leg with the opposite hand towards it, the feel of stretch should be felt at that side, repeat this to the opposite side alternatively.
    • Hold it for 5-10 seconds and repeats 10-15 times
    Image result for lumbar rotation stretch

    6. Half Cobra Pose (Prone Lumbar Extension)

    • Begin this exercise by lying on your stomach (prone position) and slowly prop yourself up on your elbows while keeping your hips in contact with the floor.
    • Hold the prop-up position for 10-15 seconds before returning to the prone position (lying face down).
    • Gradually increase to holding the end position for 30 seconds. Aim for 10 repetitions of this stretch.
    ** Initially, you may not be able to tolerate this position very well, so make sure you start slowly and carefully. If there’s any pain, try a different exercise instead.
    The Half Cobra Stretch helps to push the disc material back towards the center of the inter-vertebral disc to allow for improved healing. The goal of repeated lower back extension is the “centralization of symptoms”, which basically means pain that travels down the affected leg to the foot should come back up closer to the low back 


    •  Begin this stretch on your hands and knees. Inhale and let your stomach “drop” towards the floor as you look up towards the ceiling.
    • Follow this by exhaling and slowly rounding your spine while pressing into the floor with your hands and slightly curving your neck to look at your feet.
    • Aim for 10 repetitions of this stretch and do 2-3 sets.
      Image result for cat and camel pose
    This is one of the most popular herniated disc exercises. By combining two yoga poses, the cat-cow stretch can help to relieve pressure on the herniated disc by opening the intervertebral disc space. It also improves mobility of the spine, which may help to relieve disc herniation pain and speed recovery.




    • In an all fours position stretch one arm forward in front, while stretching the opposite leg out behind 
    • Return your arm and leg to original position 
    • Repeat 10 times and do the same with the other leg.
      Image result for arm and leg extension
    This exercise will help strengthen and stabilize your lower back and deep spine muscles. This will help you to maintain a good posture and avoid future episodes of herniated discs.


    9. PLANK

    Begin lying on your stomach with your forearms against the mat.
    Engage your core and lift your body so that you are resting on your forearms and toes.
    Start with 10 second holds and work up to 30 second holds, do 2-3 sets.
    ** Ensure to keep your back straight throughout the entire exercise – spine in neutral position.

    Image result for PLANK
     Just like the arm & leg extension exercise, this “Core” exercise will help bring your pelvis into right position by strengthening the deep spinal muscles and glutes (butt muscles).


    The Lumbo-Sacral belt is a Spinal support and Protection belt widely used for patients suffering from Low Back Pain due to various conditions.
